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Liz Day Consulting provides high quality specialist input into river and wetland ecosystems management and rehabilitation, water quality, baseline assessments, impact assessments, strategic planning and review and other aspects of aquatic ecosystem consulting..


Drawing on years of specialist involvement in numerous projects in South Africa and beyond, the company has an understanding of the linkages between surface and groundwater systems; the impacts of changes in water quality and hydroperiod for rivers and wetlands; the implications of development in proximity to aquatic ecosystems and the challenges of storm water management in urban, poorly serviced areas from an environmental perspective.


LDC prides itself on providing objective consulting services, carried out with scientific rigour and integrity.  Based in Cape Town, the company can deliver across South and southern Africa, and globally.  

Home: About Me


LDC is managed by Dr. Liz Day, who has worked as a professional aquatic ecologist since 1996,compiling over 900 specialist riverine ecology technical reports, 8 scientific papers (6 in international literature),  numerous popular biological articles published in local environmental magazines, and scripts for various environmental documentaries. 


Liz also lectures on an ad hoc basis at various universities and technicons, including the University of Cape Town.   She is a co-author on 4 Water Research Commission reports dealing with wetland assessment and /or water quality and project leader and lead author on the WRC Technical Manual for River Rehabilitation in South Africa.  She has provided input into various aquatic ecosystem handbooks, including chapters in the UNESCO Sustainable Management of Urban Aquatic Ecosystems handbook and the Fynbos Ecosystem Management handbook.  


Want to learn more? Contact me to discuss your problem or requirements.

Professional Affiliations

  • Member of IAIA

  • Member of SAIEES

  • Registered Professional Natural Scientist by SACNASP (Reg No 400270/08) for fields of Biological Science, Ecological Science and Zoological Science

  • Member of Western Cape Wetlands Forum

  • Member of Wetland Society of South Africa

  • Accredited SASS 5 bioassessment practitioner.


LDC is able to provide the following specific services, and is interested in any other aspects relating to rivers and wetlands:

  • Section 21c and i Risk Assessments and Registrations of Section 21c and i water use;

  • Inputs into Ecological Reserve Determinations;

  • River and wetland offset determinations and assessments;

  • Determination of ecological setbacks / buffers from aquatic ecosystems;

  • Biomonitoring of water quality and river health, including the South African Scoring System (SASS) and Habitat Integrity assessment;

  • River/wetland delineation, mapping and GIS skills.

  • Input into river and wetland rehabilitation design and implementation;

  • Compilation of river and wetland maintenance and management plans (MMPs);

  • Compilation of river corridor plans;

  • Specialist ecological and water quality input into stormwater Master Plans and water quality criteria for new developments;

  • Specialist input into Environmental Impact Assessment processes involving rivers and wetlands;

  • Input into stormwater management design in urban developments, with a particular interest in managing runoff from poorly serviced areas or formal settlements with high backyard components;

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  • Water quality assessments in lakes, open water areas, rivers and wetlands (including vleis), including on-site sampling, water chemistry analyses (through external accredited laboratories), data interpretation, analysis and recommendations for management interventions;

  • Assessment of water resource development schemes – including the implications of impoundments, sewage effluent re-use, surface and groundwater abstraction and stormwater treatment and management for rivers and wetlands;

Home: Testimonials

Contact Us

We are based in:
Cape Town
South Africa

+27 (0)83 454 2309

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